Wednesday, February 10, 2010

new media & social media

When it comes to new media and social media, many companies are doing all that they can to use the tools to reach potential and current customers. I assumed that a company as technological as Intel would be one of the most effective users of social media around. They have accounts on twitter and facebook. They also have blogs from Intel executives and a specialized website entitled “scoop at Intel” which is a blog from employees about the innermost workings of the company. The official website for Intel is very interactive. It is simplistic and easy to navigate. There are many links to different areas, each of which caters to a different type of computer user; businesses, gamers and individuals. There are also many different tools and informational sections of the Intel site; including a glossary of their products and definitions for overly technical materials (perfect for the computer illiterate!). Overall, I feel very confident that Intel is covering all the bases when it comes to new and social media.

However, I am somewhat displeased about the quality and promotion of these sites. When navigating the Intel website, it is completely impossible to find links to their blogs and social media sites. The Intel website is advanced and easy to use, yet it took me over 10 minutes of page surfing in order to find the blog section. Even after I got to the blog section, there was no links to facebook or twitter. In order to access these sites, I had to log into my facebook and search for Intel. Unless I was looking for it, I would never have found the facebook. I am not impressed.

Once I reached the Intel facebook, I was enthralled. The page is customized to match the design of the Intel website. There are countless links and quizzes, which makes it fun and keeps customers at the site for hours. Additionally, there are videos to watch; commercials, tutorials and webinars. Perfect material for someone considering purchasing Intel technology! The one thing that Intel is lacking is pictures. There are only two albums, neither of which is exciting. I wish that they would put up albums for new product or albums of their employees or store locations. If they add additional picture albums, I feel confident that the Intel facebook would be great.

Twitter, on the other hand, is ultra confusing for Intel. They do not have one, or even two twitter accounts…. They have three! Far too many; One for the bloggers, one for the inside scoop, and one for updates. Completely unnecessary. I do feel that they do update each account enough- typically one to two updates a day. But having multiple twitter accounts is unnecessary and frankly, unintelligent. A company as technically advanced as Intel, should have the ability to merge the three accounts and make it easier for followers.

My advice for Intel is to publicize their social media sites! They’re making good use of new media, however, if no one can find it, it’s going to waste. I believe there should be links to their twitter accounts (which should be merged…), and facebook accounts on the homepage of their master website. It’s extremely easy to put a small button and link on the main page. I also think there should be links on their “contact us” page. If you’re going to make use of social media, you ought to make sure people are seeing it.

Signing off.... literally,

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