Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Welcome to Keeping an Eye on Intel, my public relations blog. I plan to use this blog to, well, keep an eye on the public relations team at Intel. I want to comment on what they're doing right, what they’re doing wrong, and what I feel they can do to improve. It will be broken down to address many different aspects of the organization, including Intel’s use of social media, media relations, community relations, investor relations, corporate crisis and corporate brand.

The reason I have selected Intel for this blog is because I feel they are an industry dominating brand. Take a look down at the keyboard of your PC laptop. Chances are there is an Intel sticker sitting silently to the right of your hand. Intel is an industry leader when it comes to producing the interworking of the product that runs our daily life; our computers. Yet, many people do not know much about the brand. I too am guilty of not understanding more about the company—aside from the fact that they have those witty commercials about computer nerds. I hope to discover what Intel is doing for their consumers, for the public, for their investors and for their employees.

After reading up on Intel from their website , I can see that they produce many technological materials, including motherboards, processors and chipsets (whatever those are!). They also create PC’s, servers and software; everything you need to keep any successful business running. The organization is multinational, spanning as far abroad as Hungry, Hong Kong and New Zealand. It is impossible to ignore the dominance that exists at Intel; they provide essential technology to consumers all over the globe.

From the standpoint of an uneducated observer, Intel seems to have a relatively innocent reputation. Aside from being well known in the computer industry, I have not heard of any significant crisis or issues that spurred from their business. I believe that they are flying somewhat under the radar – well enough known to be recognized by name, yet not acknowledged amongst the midst of catastrophe.

The clever advertising that is used by Intel does a lot to maintain this reputation. Their commercials keep the brand name on the minds of consumers. They are typically relatively memorable and unique, which helps to grab the attention of viewers. In regards to community awareness, Intel seems to have a handle on their community outreach programs and educational foundations. However, I only discovered this after surfing their website, not because it is well publicized.

My biggest challenge for the PR professionals at Intel is to stir up conversation. I admire your ability to breeze by without much controversy; however, I want to see stronger efforts made to get people talking. If you’re doing charitable work, broadcast it! If you’re dealing with a crisis, make the public aware! And if either of the two of those things are occurring, I am eager to find out about them this semester.

Signing off… literally,


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