Monday, April 19, 2010

corporate brand and pr

For Intel, corporate brand image is an issue that I feel matters significantly. Because Intel is supplying a product that consumers do not actually purchase independently (the microchip is already inside the computer they buy), it is important to have such a positive brand image that consumers look distinctively for Intel when choosing their new computer. The image that Intel is trying to convey is one of high quality, genuine intelligence and innovation. Through the use of many public relations strategies, I feel that Intel is doing well to convey their smart, unique and groundbreaking ideals.

One aspect of PR that enhances the Intel brand is their use of social and new media. Their facebook and twitter pages are clean, sleek and professional. They provide consumers with technical information and links to technological give-aways. Yet, they have not completely bought into the new media hype. There are no outlandish photos or excessive wall posts. Even when incorporating social media, they retain a level of intelligence and quality that cannot be ignored.

Aside from their advertising and marketing initiatives, Intel works with community relations in a way which demonstrates their groundbreaking innovation and intelligence. Their sponsorships and donations focus on math and science education. They work hard in schools and promote technological literacy. Both of these aspects only enhance the reputation and brand image of Intel. It is impossible to ignore the credibility in the technological field when looking at how Intel impacts their community.

Even the annual report and earning statements from Intel convey high quality and technological prowess. They are advanced and technical, yet streamlined and accessible. It appears that Intel continues to promote the ideal that their high quality products are affordable, credible and innovative.
Overall, I think the efforts made by Intel to promote a high quality, innovative, technically advanced brand image are essential -- and successful! Despite the fact that consumers cannot run out to Best Buy and purchase an Intel product, it cannot be ignored the success the company has achieved. When a computer has "intel inside", consumers feel content with their processor. It is no wonder why Intel is at the top of the standings when it comes to their field. In fact, I can't even name another company which makes computer microchips. Because of their constant dedication to quality brand image, consumers feel drawn to computers with intel inside.

Signing off... Literally,

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